interlanguage offers a professional medical translation service for scientific texts of all kinds, in all the world’s languages.
The medical sector is vast and highly differentiated. Whatever your specialisation, you can count on the company’s linguistic services, which deliver the highest quality. interlanguage’s translation service has been awarded certification under the international ISO 17100:2015 standard.
If you are a medical device manufacturer, interlanguage can translate operator manuals, instructions for use (IFU), and labels (in compliance with EU directives), as well as safety data sheets and declarations of conformity, your products’ user interfaces, and brochures or websites.
If you are a physician or health professional, interlanguage is the ideal partner for translating your scientific papers, medical records, reports, clinical protocols, and informed consent forms. If you are a scientific marketing firm, the company provides translations of training and congress materials, case studies, and informative and advertising materials.
At interlanguage, you will find a team of translators, revisers, and project managers that are all highly skilled in the medical sector. These desktop publishing (DTP) experts are capable of handling all your translation requests, in all language combinations.
interlanguage selects its translators with care. They all translate only into their native languages and hold specialist qualifications in the medical sector.
The company places importance on having direct contact with the client, to acquire a full understanding of your needs and products. This enables its revisers and project managers to provide translators all the information they need to guarantee you the very best end result.
Every translated text undergoes thorough checking and interlanguage also checks the formatting of every file.
The company attends regular skill maintenance courses in medical topics, terminology management, and assisted translation. All this enables the optimisation of turnaround times and guarantees consistency and uniformity in all jobs.
interlanguage’s services also includes dispatch of translation to your chosen reviewer to guarantee that the technical terminology used complies with the regulations in force in the country of destination.