Established in 1991, Enamine is a privately owned chemical company focused on the synthesis of building blocks for drug design programmes for pharmaceutical industries.
The company created an extensive stock of building blocks, containing more than 200,000 compounds, and adds thousands of new chemicals every month.
Compound libraries for screening
Having created a unique collection of building blocks in gram amounts, Enamine gained a unique competitive advantage allowing to rapidly design and synthesise versatile screening libraries, focused on significant and promising biological targets and pathways.
Enamine synthesised more than two million screening compounds, possessing suitable drug-like properties, and being chemically diverse and novel.
Numerous marketplaces, databases and chemical brokers represent Enamine’s compounds. However, consumers can also order screen libraries on the company’s website, and can browse its panel of ready-to-ship libraries and diversity sets, fragment collections, and focused and targeted libraries.
For purchasing individual compounds or smaller sets, the company’s online store enables the use of its substructure and similarity search tools for required chemical structures and molecules.
It is significant for Enamine’s clients that the discovered hits found in the company’s collection are efficiently followed by resupply of stock-available dry samples for hit confirmation, swift analogues provision, and by the synthesis of follow-up compound libraries for hit expansion and hit-to-lead initiatives.
Clients can also purchase reagents used for library synthesis from Enamine’s 200,000 building block catalogue, which the company can complement from the superset of millions of tangible building blocks with only a four-week lead time.
Unique novel molecules
Access to the most extensive collection of chemical starting points allowed Enamine to go a step further, creating a next-generation tangible chemical space.
The Readily Accessible (REAL) database contains more than a billion molecules, which are synthesisable by the company within up to four weeks with an average success rate of at least 80%. It can also reach a 100% success rate on a smaller selection of compounds, so clients can access a billion molecule space as if it were in stock.
Exploring a larger number of compounds allows clients to identify the most valuable, and having them delivered directly from a single prominent supplier helps to save significantly on costs and time.
For clients not planning to screen in-silica large compound libraries, there is an option for a range of medChem pre-selected targeted compound sets such as kinase, protease, g protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), ion channels targeted libraries, diversity sets and fragment libraries. Moreover, the company’s medChem team can design unique custom libraries according to specific project needs.
Enamine also offers on-site biological screening.
Building blocks and intermediates for library synthesis and medical chemistry
From an in-house synthesis of original compound libraries, Enamine’s building blocks enable researchers worldwide to accelerate hit-to-lead projects and provide innovative elements for drug design programmes.
Enamine offers its consulting expertise on selections of compounds and supplies clients with already formatted libraries of reagents, which will react selectively with scaffolds to yield a set of required products. The company has accumulated a vast experience in parallel library synthesis and can readily share it with prospective clients.
Cost-effective and professional custom synthesis
One of the decisive factors in finding a reliable partner for outsourcing chemical synthesis is how rapidly a contract research organisation (CRO) can source chemicals. Enamine has 90% of the necessary chemicals supplied within a few hours from its on-site inventory.
Enamine has laboratory facilities occupying more than 15,000m² in a single site in Kyiv, Ukraine. The company is located in several recently constructed buildings, providing state-of-the-art instrumentation, infrastructure and analytical services to over 500 skilled chemists, including a large number of PhD-level scientists.