interlanguage offers a full service for the translation of pharmaceutical texts into all of the world’s languages.
Market launch of a drug has to comply with a whole series of complex rules and regulations, including the translation of documentation that may be needed in various phases of the product’s life cycle.
From clinical research to production and from packaging to marketing, interlanguage’s team knows you need accurate, precise translations, which are compliant with the relevant directives. The company is at your side to offer solutions tailored to your requirements, in all language combinations.
interlanguage helps translate clinical protocols, informed consent forms, scientific papers, product characteristic summaries, package leaflets, datasheets, regulatory documents, drug master files (DMF), patient information, informatives, and training materials, as well as packaging, labels, and advertising and marketing texts.
The company’s carefully selected pool of specialist translators, revisers, and project managers (all with excellent scientific skills) will guarantee an outstanding quality standard thanks to effective management of the translation process.
All of interlanguage’s translations are undertaken only by native speaker experts with in-depth knowledge of your industry and the local market. The company checks all jobs in-house and uses state-of-the-art information technology (IT) tools to guarantee the terminological consistency and stylistic uniformity of all required texts.
To offer you the highest levels of expertise and professionalism, interlanguage provides its teams with regular skill maintenance courses in scientific topics, terminology management, and assisted translation.
The company’s services also include the option of dispatch of the translation to your chosen reviewer to guarantee that the technical terminology used complies with the regulations in force in the country of destination.
interlanguages’ translation service is certified in compliance with the international ISO 17100:2015 standard.