The i-pen injects standard 3ml cartridges of insulin in variable doses.
It offers a range of colours and its design was tested specifically for self-injecting patients through detailed research and patient-testing. It is available in Haselmeier’s design, but it is also customisable to the patient’s needs. The pen is also re-usable.
- The pen has a compact design and can be held and stored easily. It is also portable for 24/7 protection
- It is made of anodized aluminium, ensuring a durable product that is reliable and consistent
- It can handle variable-dose and multiple injections
- Its dose indicator is large and can be read easily
- The dose correction feature reduces incorrect injection dosing and loss of product
- It has a manual insertion and injection in dose increments from 0.01ml to 0.6ml
Applications of the i-pen include the BerliPen is an insulin injection device, which is both functional and has high aesthetical value. With its anodized aluminium body and high-calibre look, the pen shows its innovative design. Its drive system and ball bearing ensure a precise and easy application. It also has safety-dosing where the pen will make a sound when being used.