
Active ingredients and active substances for pharmaceutical use are generated by synthesis or extraction.

The intermediate products must be purified at some point of the drug discovery workflow. Our chromatography solutions support you in purifying compounds from a few milligrams up to several hundred grams in weight. Our newly developed Pure chromatography systems are designed for ultimate space-savings and flexibility by combining flash and preparative chromatography, as well as UV detectors and ELSD in one unit.

Select benefits of Pure chromatography systems:

• Super space savings with small footprint, extra solvent platform, convenient placement of cartridge/column holders in the front of the unit
• Maximal safety with state-of-the-art leak and pressure sensors
• Remote control possibilities
• Closed fraction collector bay for clean lab air
• RFID technologies on cartridges and racks that simplify tracking and minimize potential risks of wrong settings
• Convenient liquid and solid sample injection with both bottom-top or top-bottom possibilities
• Accessible for users at any level thanks to user-friendly software