
The patented Rheo Drum Tipper is designed to help operators safely transfer materials out of drums while providing access to the drum contents.

  • Safety: Position drums without operator lifting or scooping.
  • Containment: Access the drum’s liner and use it with the Rheo Ventilation Sleeve to achieve containment levels of 100-10 μg/m3.
  • Productivity: Access to the drum liner and contents allow for an easy, open transfer of powders.


The Rheo Drum Tipper can be configured with different mounting styles to best fit the specific application.

  • Free Standing: fully mobile, requiring no floor installation.
  • In-Floor Docking: small footprint, docks in place for application.
  • Fixed Mount: bolt down design for fixed installation.
  • Side Mount: easy access to drum opening during charging process.

Variable Height Option

The Rheo Variable Height Drum Tipper takes the benefits of the standard Drum Tipper to a new level; a dual-stage design allows drums to be lifted and tipped at much higher heights than is possible with a standard Drum Tipper. The variable height technology allows operators to serve a variety of discharge heights with a single machine; including applications with adjustable-height ergonomic features, such as enclosures.

Common Options

  • Compression Funnel: reduces operator interaction during discharge, suited for packaging lines.
  • Product Flow Control Bar: allows regulated powder flow when used in conjunction with the drum liner.

Ventilation Sleeve

The Rheo Ventilation Sleeve provides localized dust extraction to contain airborne dust and vapor. The full perimeter slot design provides 360 degrees of extraction to ensure that proper air velocity is maintained in the dust zone despite obstructions, such as an operator’s hands or a drum liner. The Drum Tipper allows access to the drum’s liner, using the liner in conjunction with the Ventilation Sleeve allows for containment levels of less than 100 μg/m3 to be achieved during the transfer process.