Design process for custom solutions
The act of designing, creating, and qualifying a thermal packaging system can be a daunting task. When choosing Cedarlane Shipping Supplies for your thermal packaging project, you will have peace of mind that only the best resources are being utilised to ensure the end result will be a perfectly optimised thermal packaging system for your temperature sensitive products.
No matter what the temperature range, shipment duration, and ambient temperature profile your product requires, Cedarlane will be able to custom fit a solution that works for you.
Requirement analysis
Cedarlane’s highly skilled technical group will sit down with your team to do a full analysis of your requirements including shipment duration (such as 24, 48, or 72 hours), required product temperature range (such as 2°C to 8°C), payload size, ambient temperature profile, and any other relevant requirements.
Cost analysis
Cedarlane understands that there are many factors that determine the overall costs when shipping your cold chain products. These include not just the packaging, but the outbound and inbound freight, which is determined by the weight and size of your shipping systems.
When assessing your cost, the company examines overlooked elements such as ease of pack out as increased pack out times will slow down internal efficiencies.
After all requirements and cost analysis have been completed, Cedarlane’s team will take to action to design and present prototypes using sophisticated thermal engineering processes. Every component is intelligently designed to ensure the best overall solution for each client’s distinct distribution requirements.
Qualification process
Thermal packaging qualification is a key element to good distribution practices (GDP) and reduces risks to product efficacy during transit. Cedarlane offers the right experience and expertise to guide you through your temperature-sensitive packaging qualification project. The company will work with you every step of the way to develop and qualify a thermal packaging system custom fit to meet your shipping needs.
Cedarlane will work with you to find the most cost optimised thermal packaging solution. It knows and understands all of the costs involved and will do a thorough analysis to ensure you are staying compliant while minimising your overall solution costs.
This includes more than just package cost, but takes into account package size, weight, performance, and overall ease-of-use. A cheap but large and heavy shipper will most likely cost you more in the end than a high quality, small, and light shipper once inbound and outbound freight are considered.
Custom thermal packaging design and qualification will consist of the following processes:
- Design qualification – Laboratory testing that creates confidence that the thermal packaging system is capable of consistently operating within established limits and tolerances.
- Operational qualification – Laboratory testing that provides documented verification that the thermal packaging system’s performance is effective and reproducible throughout the anticipated operating ranges
- Performance qualification – Live field testing that provides documented verification that the thermal packaging system meets all release requirements for functionality