Effluent Decontamination Systems
By PRI Bio
Different effluent decontamination systems achieve varying levels of treatment and careful decisions must be made to select the correct level.
The term 'decontamination' is typically used to render something as 'safe'. However, this has different meanings depending on how it is being applied. Several entities, including the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention and State and Territorial Association on Alternate Treatment Technologies have outlined levels of disinfection and treatment, with prescribed requirements for each.
- Level I - Low Level Disinfection - Inactivation of most vegetable bacterial, fungi, and lipophilic virus
- Level II - Intermediate Level Disinfection - Inactivation of all vegetative bacteria, fungi, all viruses, and mycobacteria
- Level III - High Level Disinfection - Inactivation of all vegetative bacteria, fungi, all viruses, mycobacteria, and B. stearothermophilus spores at 4Log or greater, or B. stubtills spores at 4Log or greater with chemical treatment.
- Level IV - Sterilisation - Inactivation of all vegetative bacteria, fungi, all viruses, mycobacteria, and B. stearothermophilus spores at 6Log or greater.