Weibel CDS: Safer, Easier, and Faster Drug Delivery
By Weibel CDS
At the Advanced Technologies and Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD) congress in Paris, Weibel CDS showcased a presentation demonstrating its patient-centric drug delivery products, which help reduce contamination, handling errors, and needle stick injuries when administering injectable drugs.
The company recognised a market need for automated lyophilised drug reconstitution in a closed system, which was safe, easy, and fast to transfer to a dosing system. Its solution was the DrugDeliverySystem for large volumes, the DrugDeliverySystem for cartriges, and the Multipurpose DrugDeliverySystem for reconstruction and transfer of drugs from existing containers to the MiniBag prior to administration.
Download this free whitepaper presentation to find out more about cartridge and cannula delivery systems, as well as other products designed to make drug delivery safer, easier, and faster.