Reusable Cleanroom Coveralls: Improving the Sustainability Scorecard
By Prudential Cleanroom Services
Cleanroom coveralls are an essential component in facilities for the bioprocessing, life sciences, and semiconductor sectors. By simply adopting reusable garments, the cleanroom facilities can add directly to their sustainability score sheet in the areas of lower energy, improved water footprint, and landfill reductions.
The lifecycle study reported herein provides information for use in sustainability scorecards. However, with recent revisions of USP 797, and pending implementation of USP 800 in 2018, cleanroom coveralls are expanding in use to meet sterility and chemical control guidelines.
New uses for these coveralls include a variety of compounding facilities (such as for pharmaceuticals that are hazardous, used in radiopharmacology, allergen extracts, and ancillary storage facilities) and many hospital pharmacies.
These new markets can achieve the desired product and patient protection and also meet sustainability and environmental improvement goals, based on this new lifecycle study.
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