
Recently, serious environmental issues have occurred in the US and raised up the consciousness of manufacturers and Ethylene Oxide sterilizer users. The ethylene oxide is carcinogenic in small quantities, and in some countries, a very strict regulation should be followed to reduce its emission to the atmosphere.

For this reason, the choice of an efficient, reliable and safe air purification system is important. Indeed, the consequences could lead to serious problems with negative impacts. They can be prejudicial from a health point of view, and bring economic issues with potential production stops.

The catalytic system, a proven technology

The Catalytic system is used by many medical device manufacturers. During the last years, this system has demonstrated its efficiency and safety and has shown its several advantages compared to a Scrubber system.

The catalytic system that RSD proposes has been specially developed for the gas treatment of the EtO sterilization for MD. It is an advanced technology that suits the customer’s needs and requirements, and especially the most stringent regulation, as it can fulfil the TA-Luft (<0.5 mg/Nm³).

In addition, there is no chemical transformation, as the Ethylene Oxide is converted into CO2. On the other hand, a Scrubber technology uses sulfuric acid to convert Ethylene Oxide into Ethylene glycol. The efficiency of such a system cannot be better than hundreds of ppms.

Right now, there is no doubt that the catalytic system is the most efficient and reliable technology for an EtO sterilization plant.

Our Catalytic system for ETO sterilization plants

In any turnkey EtO sterilization project we propose, we highly recommend the installation of a catalytic system. We work with a trusting partner to offer a special design that can treat any quantity of EtO coming from sterilization installations, providing efficiency of 0.5mg/m3.

Advantages of our EtO abatement system:

  • Fulfils the stringent regulation (including German TA-Luft, <0.5mg/m3).
  • Can treat fugitive emissions coming from degassing cells and backvents.
  • Treating liquid waste effluent from sterilizer vacuum pump (liquid ring type).
  • Optimum thermal efficiency; use of low temperature catalyst and high efficient integral thermal heat recovery and recuperation.
  • High level of reliability safety.
  • High quality.
  • Autonomous system.

Our purification system guarantees the optimal control of the EtO emission to be below 0.5 mg/m3, while operating safely reliably. For that continuous monitoring, an analyzer is included and is mounted in the exhaust duct before the stack to provide confirmation of a safe mixture before being burned.

The aim of this abatement system is to have a “clean facility”, and to be conscientious of the environment & health.

RSD, an expert in industrial ethylene oxide sterilization, help you on your EtO sterilization projects and propose you the tailor-made technologies and solutions suitable for your process.

For more information, please fill out the enquiry form attached to this page.