
RWS, a unique, world-leading provider of technology-enabled language, content and intellectual property solutions, has joined forces with industry leaders to bridge the gap between rapid advances in AI innovation and policymaking through Meta’s Open Loop programme.

Open Loop is a global programme that connects policymakers and technology companies to help develop effective and evidence-based policies around AI and, specifically, generative AI systems. The programme, initiated and supported by Meta in partnership with Accenture, includes a consortium of technology businesses, academics and civil society representatives.

“In such a fast-moving environment, it’s critical that we – as an industry – work together to ensure that proposed AI regulations strike the right balance between fostering innovation and ensuring that AI is developed safely and securely for the benefit of consumers and broader society,” explains Christel Cao-Delebarre, head of Global Privacy at RWS.

Open Loop recently launched its first policy prototyping research programme in the United States, focused on testing the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) AI Risk Management Framework 1.0. The framework sets the stage for future policies and regulations and provides organisations with a roadmap to adapt their risk management strategies for responsible AI practices.

RWS, alongside other members of the programme, is participating in a series of confidential workshops through to September 2024 to explore the practicalities of the NIST AI Risk Management Framework. The Open Loop program will provide valuable feedback to the NIST on its framework and inform its future iterations for managing AI-related risks.

“Aside from influencing future policy, the programme will also help us ensure that we – through our AI manifesto – are innovating with purpose across our products and services,” said Christel.