Multi-purpose dispensing glovebox

Powder Systems Limited (PSL), an international leading manufacturer of high containment isolators and glove boxes for the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries, is pleased to announce two exciting projects in Spain. The company recently delivered a high containment installation in the country and will soon start the manufacture of a range of isolators for another client’s Spanish manufacturing site.

The first project consists of a large-scale pressure agitated nutsche filter dryer (ANFD) and a discharging isolator achieving a DOEL (Design Occupational Exposure Limit) of less than 1 microgram during sampling period.

This multipurpose isolator allows full recovery of the dried product obtained from the 0.6m² filtration vessel plate, sampling without process disruption, powder dispensing, weighing and packing off within a safe and contained environment for the protection of both the operator and the product.

One of the leading Spanish pharmaceutical groups will install these advanced contained filtration and drying facilities in 2013 in its synthesis plant for production of innovative medicines.

PSL is also working on a second Spanish project for a world leader in developing and manufacturing advanced pharmaceutical intermediates and APIs / HAPIs for the pharmaceutical industry.

This high containment project includes two dispensing isolators, two SlurryBoxes (charging isolators for high potent slurry into reactors through pressured vessels), one reactor charging isolator and one vacuum drying isolator including PSL CakeStand Tray Dryer.

The whole high containment suite is designed for an OEB5 environment achieving a DOEL of less than 100 nanogram/m³ during 8hr time weighted average (TWA). The six rigid isolators in stainless steel will be pre-tested and factory acceptance tests (FAT) carried over the next few months and then installed in the end user’s manufacturing site in Spain by the end of this year.

The partnership between the two companies has only just started; future projects are being discussed to complement the installation later on in 2013.

PSL has been exporting to Spain for more than ten years and is expecting more business to come from this growing pharmaceutical and chemical market. To support this demand, PSL recently signed a new agent to represent the standard product range of its business.

The appointment of José Roldán Pázos in July 2013 allows PSL to now cover both Spain and Portugal with a direct presence by adding to his portfolio the PSL simplefilter, a pressure filter plate with contained discharge.