
Matcon’s business is growing at an exceptional rate globally, especially in Asia. We recently hosted two Lean Manufacturing Conferences in Indonesia and the Philippines between 28 March and 1 April 2011, to further boost awareness in the region. Interest in attending far exceeded our expectations, therefore the event was broadened to two days in each location, which allowed us to provide specialised sessions focusing on the food sector and pharmaceutical industries over the two days.

The events were a great success with over 100 people present. Attendees commended the depth of the content and presentation, stating that they now had many ideas to consider and discuss with senior management, in their drive to adopt a ‘lean’ philosophy to their manufacturing operation, providing a flexible, efficient and profitable system.

Our next open day event on lean manufacturing will be held on Wednesday 8 June 2011 at our new headquarters in the UK. We look forward to welcoming you at this event. If the timing and/or location is not convenient, please feel free to contact us for a business-specific conference or to suggest that we take our ‘show’ to your country – wherever you might be.