Specialising in the design, manufacturing, and sale of airless metering pumps for the pharmaceutical industry since 1971, Lablabo offers a range of valves, pumps, and pouch-bottles.
After Lablabo’s launch of the first airless pouch metering dispensers more than ten years ago, the company has been continually improving its innovative product range, to meet the increase in demand and customers’ varied requirements.
ISO certified for medicinal product packaging
Lablabo has been ISO 15378 certified for primary packaging materials for medicinal products for two years, since 2010. Lablabo obtained the ISO 9001 certification in 1995.
Airless dispenser protects against external contamination
Consisting of a pouch-bottle, a metering pump, and an overcap, a complete Lablabo airless pouch dispenser protects your product from external contamination. After the product has been dispensed, it is not possible for air to return back inside the pump and pouch, providing perfect airtightness and protection.
The airless metering dispenser offers:
- Dispensing of various viscosities from any position, even upside-down
- Excellent restitution rates
- Constant and precise dosage
- A choice of different materials for the pouch
- Several pump options
- An easy filling process which doesn’t require any special equipment
- No contact between the product and any metal parts
Lablabo’s product range includes:
- Pouch volumes from 15ml up to 250ml
- Between 0.25ml and 3ml pump dosage
- A choice of polyethelene (PE) and aluminium for the pouch itself
- Either one or two separate pouches, with Lablabo’s innovative Twinbag line
High-efficiency airless dispensers
Designed for use with pharmaceutical products, Lablabo’s high-efficiency airless dispenser (HEAD) offers a high level of protection to the formula during dispensing and throughout its shelf life. The HEAD is highly suited for sensitive formulas.
Associated with easy filling aluminoplastic pouch EasyFoil, the HEAD has a powerful and accurate airless pump, which includes a self-sealing actuator. Because of this, no evaporation, oxidation, desiccation, or ultraviolet (UV) degradation occurs. There is also no material interaction and the formula is not in contact with any metallic parts.
It is possible to fill the HEAD with a standard machine, select dosage, and correct pouch volume.
Metering valves for dispensing large doses of foam
Particularly suited for use in the pharmaceutical industry, this metering valve consists of a metering head and shield. It is the only valve that can dispense large doses of foam, up to 60ml after expansion. The valve also provides a precise and constant dose of liquid or foam and is highly reliable, hygienic, and easy to use.
Lablabo’s metering valves offer a range of doses from 0.5ml up to 5ml, available for 20mm and 1in canisters. A range of valves, including metering valves between 1in and 20mm, are also available, as well as paste valves fitting standard aluminium, glass, or tinplate aerosol canisters.
Other advantages:
- The metering valve operates with all liquid and gas propellants
- Protects from light, oxygen, and bacteria
- Overcaps, cannulas, straight / angled / for paste nozzles
The first airless dispenser with dual pouch
Lablabo offers an airless dispenser with dual pouch Twinbag, which provides the advantages linked to blown pouches, such as the use of two semi-cylindrical pouches in a cylindrical bottle with an optimised volume.
There are two versions of this dispenser available, the Twinbag Solo for two incompatible products and the Twinbag Duo for two complementary products.
With the Twinbag Solo, both pumps are activated by a single actuator, which keeps products separated until dispensed, whereas each pump in the Twinbag Duo is equipped with its own actuator and both products may be used independently.