
Containment Technology Services (CTS) works to meet the ever-changing needs of the pharmaceutical industry by providing application-specific containment systems. Our solutions are custom-designed to meet each of our clients’ needs and range from small, portable devices to large-scale laboratory safety enclosures.

We provide end-to-end services to meet your project needs, covering design and manufacture, project management, and service and validation. We also offer training workshops to enable both experienced and new analysts to develop safe work practices when working with drug compounds in the laboratory.

As a world-leading innovator for containment systems, CTS offers in-house engineering design services, international supply chains, and quick production turnarounds. All our products comply with British and European regulatory standards, as well as ISO9001 and ISO14001 regulations.

Potent enclosures for powder weighing in API production

Weighing is one of the most common laboratory activities and has been identified as a prominent source of airborne contamination – while handling drug compounds, analysts often weigh small quantities of active pharmaceutical ingredients with very precise analytical balances, which requires them to be within 300mm of the active drug. Because of this, it is important for analysts to be protected from airborne particulates, since drugs can have pharmacological effects at low nanogram levels that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Containment Technology Services supplies application-specific containment systems for pharmaceutical purposes.
We provide in-house engineering design services, international supply chains, and quick production turnarounds.
CTS’ climatically controlled systems allow analysts to set laboratory temperatures of between 15-35°C and 20-90% RH.
Our instrument enclosures offer a unique, flexible approach to housing laboratory implements and laboratory processes.
CTS’ enclosures are designed to provide a safe environment for weighing and manipulating potent pharmaceutical drug compounds.

CTS’ ST1 Potent Powder Weighing Enclosures are the recognised worldwide leader for safe weighing environments, guaranteeing balance stability while providing proven protection from exposure to potent compounds. The enclosures are specifically designed to provide analysts with a safe environment for the weighing and manipulation of potent pharmaceutical drug compounds.

The ST1 enclosure range has been independently surrogate tested in accordance with ISPE guidelines and documented in line with EN 689 statistical criteria. They are designed to provide a stable weighing environment for sensitive analytical balances, as well ensure a low turbulence airflow in which airborne contaminants can be taken away and captured.

Enclosures for pharmaceutical laboratory instruments

CTS’ instrument enclosures offer a unique, flexible approach to housing laboratory implements and laboratory processes for the handling and analysis of potent powders. They are designed around the instrument or activity to offer ease of access, allowing the analyst to work comfortably while maintaining a safe, contained drug powder handling environment.

The enclosures’ flexible designs enable easy installation and future upgrades to meet the laboratory’s changing needs. The unique constant airflow sash design guarantees excellent containment while using minimal energy.

CTS’ instrument enclosure systems can operate independently of the laboratory house extract system and are portable enough to be relocated if required. Most models feature integrated high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration that allows local safe filter change ‒ the extract air can be exhausted from the laboratory at a fixed rate or, if required, recirculated to reduce energy and air handling costs.

Climate-controlled pharmaceutical laboratory enclosures

CTS’ ClimateZone™ climate-controlled laboratory enclosures are specifically designed for handling sensitive pharmaceutical drug compounds. These enclosures can maintain set climatic conditions for drug handling, enabling analysts to work on pharmaceutical drug compounds in stable, predictable conditions with no impact on other areas of the laboratory.

Our climatically controlled systems allow analysts to set laboratory temperature ranges of between 15-35 °C and 20-90% RH. We also supply additional bolt-on modules to enable cooler and dryer atmospheres if needed.

The ClimateZone enclosures are proven to provide safe handling environments for working with potent drugs. They do not require support from the building extract or air conditioning systems, while their mobile design and standard electrical power supply make them energy-efficient and easy to install.

Gloveboxes and isolators for laboratory applications

CTS’ gloveboxes and isolators are designed to provide stable environments for a range of laboratory activities, from product protection to safeguarding operators. We provide a range of standard glovebox and isolation systems and can customise them to meet clients’ needs.

Our HEPA-filtered gloveboxes provide a safe, negative-pressure handling environment for potent drug compounds – they operate under controlled negative pressure and allow HEPA to be filtered into and out of the isolator. These systems can also be upgraded to incorporate interlock door systems and airflow alarms.

CTS’ laboratory gloveboxes and isolators can be configured to automatically maintain low oxygen and humidity levels for handling sensitive products. Our systems can maintain an automatically controlled negative pressure, guaranteeing a high level of operator protection.