Peter Huber Kältemaschinenbau SE from Offenburg has received the Environmental Prize for Companies award in the category of manufacturing companies.
Untersteller Huber is a pioneer in the development of environmentally friendly chillers and temperature control devices. The company switched to CFC-free refrigeration machines at an early stage and has advanced the distribution of natural refrigerants such as CO2, propane and isobutane on 17 November 2016.
At the official event in Stuttgart, German Environmental Minister Franz Untersteller noted: “We distinguish firms that are courageous and exemplary on company environmental protection and sustainable management. It is remarkable how some companies are implementing the principle of sustainability within their business practices.”
Sustainability is also a core concern at Huber, with 100% green electricity, its own photovoltaic system, and an exemplary concept for building climate control through heat recovery and groundwater cooling being just a few of the environmental measures Huber has implemented.
In addition, the company offers a bicycle leasing programme to its employees, procures goods according to ecological guidelines, and obtains climate-neutral printing products.
Green ideas and successful business practices are not opposed but rather supplement one another. Untersteller went on to note that more and more companies are recognising the opportunities provided by sustainable management: “Those who reduce their energy and raw material consumption through environmental management strengthen their own competitiveness and future prospects. This practice also contributes to conserving our natural foundations for life.”
The Environmental Prize for Companies has been awarded since 1993. The 2016 prize was awarded in the categories of Trade and services, manufacturers, industrial enterprises with less than 250 employees, and more than 250 employees. In addition, the jury prize ‘Corporate Responsibility, Regional Commitment’ was awarded and for the first time a special prize for non-profit organisations.
A jury composed of representatives from economic organisations, environmental and climate protection associations, and ministries of the state decided the prize winners.