
enverdis manufactures and supplies cardiovascular function diagnostics equipment with its main focus on extended ECG-based examinations, namely cardiogoniometry. enverdis’ product range includes high-end blood pressure devices for automatic measurement of ankle-brachial-index (ABI) and aortic stiffness using pulse wave velocity (PWV) and the augmentation-index (AIx).

3D ECG-based diagnosis of myocardial ischemia

Cardiogoniometry displays the electric activities of the heart in 3D. This stress-free and non-invasive method recognises ischemic situations and infarctions within a few seconds. With just five electrodes used, much more information than in regular ECG is provided, especially about the posterior wall of the heart. The spread of stimulus conduction is displayed as vector loops. Each single beat is analysed and compared to each other, allowing the identification of acute and chronical situations.

Cardiogoniometry and ECG system

The enverdis Cardiologic Explorer is a cardiogoniometry and ECG system that offers stress-free diagnosis including:

  • Cardiogoniometry
  • 12C Rest-ECG, including automatic measurement and report of findings (HES™ algorithms)

Enhanced monitoring of drug therapy in patients with hypertension

New cardiovascular function diagnostics offer early detection, progress monitoring and risk screening for atherosclerotic and diabetic cardiac and vascular diseases. The pulse wave velocity as a recommended measurement by the ESH guidelines shows arterial aging and stiffness. The augmentation index measures the relation of ejected and reflected pulse waves.

Findings of PWV and AIx displayed on the Vascular Explorer.
Analysis of the pulse wave through augmentation index and possible impact on medication.
Display of vector loops in cardiogoniometry.
ECG-based diagnosis: electrodes are positioned in an orthogonal system in cardiogoniometry, spreading the main planes according to the physical position of the heart.
Easy, secure and fast blood pressure-based and ECG-based diagnosis by the enverdis Cardiologic Explorer and Vascular Explorer.

In combination, these measurements provide an extended diagnosis of the arterial status and hypertension, giving a high impact on medication. Besides the screening function, which allows an early medication if necessary, the therapy can be monitored by regular examinations. The impact of medication can be evaluated and adjustment on a high level is possible. Long-term appraisal of drug effects on arterial status and hypertension provides excellent benefits.

ABI, very precisely detected by plethysmography, enables an early diagnosis of PAOD and media sclerosis. Since nine out of ten patients don’t recognise their problem, an early and fast diagnosis allows medical treatment before the situation becomes serious in the latest stage. The impact of various vasoactive drugs can be monitored in long-term use.

High-end vascular analysis equipment

The enverdis Vascular Explorer combines those parameters. Within a few minutes measurement time a broad overview of the arterial status is given. Among the range of medication for blood pressure therapy, the doctor can choose the best one for the special situation of the patient.

The Vascular Explorer is high-end vascular analysis equipment that provides:

  • Automatic calculation of ABI and AIx to diagnose PAOD, arteriosclerosis, vascular rigidity and aortic stiffness
  • Automatic measurement, parameterisation and reporting of findings for photoplethysmographic pulse curves

R&D of new diagnostics for cardiovascular risk-stratification

enverdis was founded by M Alt and T Hübner in 1997. enverdis combines innovative research and development of cardiovascular diagnostic tools based on signal procession. Our engineers closely collaborate with scientists, clinicians and practitioners to develop customised diagnostic solutions. Studies and daily practice continually improve the clinical benefits of our technologies.

Our products are mainly developed and manufactured in our facilities at Saalfeld (EPSa) and Jena in Germany. Our innovations in the field of cardiovascular function diagnostics have been certified to meet DIN EN ISO 9001 and ISO 13485.