
Haupt Pharma, one of the largest pharmaceutical contract manufacturers and developers in Europe, now also fulfils the high demands of the International Food Standard (IFS). During the certification procedure at the end of January 2011 the Brackenheim site was awarded 98 out of a possible 100 points. The IFS is an internationally renowned quality and safety standard for companies which process food or package loose food products and dietary supplements.

The IFS was created in 2003 from the requirements of the FDE (Fédération des Enterprises du Commerce et la Distribution) and the HDE (German Retail Trade Federation). Its aim is the continuous improvement in safety for the consumer. Only accredited certifiers such as the German Technical Inspection Agency (TÜV) or Dekra are allowed to carry out the audit on the basis of a standardised evaluation system. Today nine of the ten largest European food retailers use the IFS as a food safety standard and work together with experts from all over the world on its further refinement.

“The IFS also demonstrates to our customers the high quality and safety standards of Haupt Pharma in the production and packaging of dietary supplements,” says Hans-Werner Prokasky, managing director of Haupt Pharma Brackenheim. “With the certification we contribute towards a uniform quality standard in the value-added chain throughout Europe right through to the end consumer.”