
Contract Pharmaceuticals Limited Canada (CPL), a Health Canada and US FDA inspected manufacturer of liquid and semi-solid prescription and regulated OTC products, has successfully completed a virtual cGMP audit of its manufacturing facility by Health Canada.

Since the onset of the global pandemic, CPL has focused on keeping our employees safe while also continuing to deliver product for our customers.  One innovation was to create a 360° virtual tour that “walks” our customers and regulators through our facilities and allows them to follow material flow from raw materials through to the finished product. We also share documents electronically with auditors in almost real-time and convene virtual Q&A sessions with any necessary staff.

The successful seven-day cGMP audit by Health Canada closed out with comments that included complementing our team on the smooth and highly efficient process.  CPL has also hosted several clients for multiple-day technical and quality audits of our facilities with similar positive remarks.

“CPL is one of the leading contract development and manufacturing companies in North America, a position we’ve earned by working hard to see the world as our customers do.  We find ways to get the job done in support of both our customers and the patients they serve and as our regulatory audit history attests, quality underpins all that we do,” remarked Ken Paige, CEO.

“Our creation of a virtual facility tour and transition to a virtual audit model is another example of how CPL has adapted for success through the pandemic. We are thankful that we have been able to meet our commitments to our employees by keeping them safe and to our customers by ensuring the uninterrupted delivery of product and services,” said Paige.