
Covid-19 is exerting enormous pressure on our way of life, especially on our caregivers, hospital workers and first respondents. We at METO Systems want to sincerely, thank and acknowledge our domestic and international pharmaceutical clients.

Their employees are working under great pressure to not only continue their vital operations but to help innovate solutions and fight this global pandemic. METO Systems has a history of supporting this vital part of our economy with essential equipment, on-site services and spare parts. We are committed to remaining in business during these difficult times and equally committed to facing the many challenges of today.

Our facility at Franklin Lakes NJ has received an exclusion from the shut down due to our role in the pharmaceutical supply chain. Our clients have requested that we continue to provide them with the vital services they need through these difficult times. Consequently, we have taken the necessary steps to provide that support, but at the same time protect all our employees and their families from unnecessary harm.

Our manufacturing facility will remain fully manned. However, we have imposed necessary and sensible restrictions:

  • No visitor or delivery persons will be allowed on the shop floor and deliveries of all goods will be handled within the guidelines recommended by our medical professionals.
  • All social distancing recommendations will be strictly observed including staggered work breaks and no lunchroom gatherings.
  • All office staff will also be working remotely.
  • We have retained all our traditional contact details, including email addresses and telephone extensions which will be forwarded to our remote locations

This means we are open for business as usual. We also encourage our customers to contact us through our spare parts or service telephone lines, email, website or social media links. If issues arise that need immediate attention one of our technicians will respond.

We hope and pray that each one of us listens to and takes notice of the many medical professionals who are helping to guide us through these confusing times. Please follow the advice designed to keep us and those around us safe. Only together as one community can we beat this. Although these times are difficult, I am confident that, as a nation, we’ll return stronger and wiser from this ordeal.

Please stay safe, look after your family, and think of others.

As always if you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to contact us by filling out the enquiry form attached to this page.