
TSS has been invited as a speaker on the 13th Pharma Logistics Forum (PLF) congress in Athens from 2-4 March.

PLF is a non-profit organisation and platform for networking and the exchange of ideas and experiences. The forum is an industry initiative driven by pharmaceutical companies with the aim to set up best logistics practices for the pharmaceutical industry.

The theme of TSS’ presentation is ‘How to monitor temperature and humidity during transport.’ It will cover best practices when it comes to assuring that temperature sensitive drugs have travelled in the right conditions i.e. that the patient receives a safe and effective medicine.

It will also shed some new light on how to handle the temperature controlled supply chain, challenging the traditional ways of doing things.

One of the presenters is TSS’ European sales manager Johan von Arronet.

Von Arronet said: "We see that many pharmaceutical companies tend do things the way they have always done, clinging to ineffective processes and rather outdated technologies.

"Even though the process they have in place might allow them to meet compliance, they probably miss out on vast opportunities to streamline their processes and facilitate their day-to-day operations.

"Our ambition is to help them discover what opportunities there are out there, and that leaner processes do not have to imply increased costs, rather the opposite."

TSS has provided the life science industry with temperature monitoring solutions since the company’s establishment in 1992. Ever since, their aim has been to allow companies to learn from all of their data, to be able to make profound business decisions based on that information.

Von Arronet said: "We want to challenge and go beyond the traditional approach, where the industry tends to put most focus on the data logger as such.

"We mean that the logger is just a means to capture the data, and it is the system that enables you to understand, change, and ultimately improve you business."