
Niche consultancy company Be4ward are offering a free phone consultation session to help answer questions about serialisation.

Be4ward assist pharmaceutical and biotech companies to implement a serialisation life-cycle. Now that many serialisation legislation timelines are known particularly in the US and EU, concrete actions must be taken to meet these deadlines and avoid putting sales at risk.

While there is a lot of information available online, much of it is from particular solution vendors and it is often difficult to understand what to do in your own particular situation.

Vice-president of serialisation at Be4ward Stephen McIndoe says: "At Be4ward, we believe that the best solution is the one that is tailored for your business. We believe developing a robust serialisation strategy that will stand the test of time against ever-evolving regulations should be a top initial priority. Alternatively, if you are already on your serialisation journey, you may have some pressing questions that need to be answered."

To help meet these objectives with minimum effort, Be4ward has offered companies the opportunity to speak with one of their serialisation experts for a no obligation 30 minute phone conversation. This will allow businesses to get answers to immediate questions and discuss their particular situations.

This offer will be particularly useful for small to medium-sized pharma and biotech companies, as well as contract manufacturing organisations (CMO), which have either not yet started their serialisation journey, or are facing particular issues at present.