Prudential Cleanroom Services (PCS) provides uniforms, clothing, and equipment for use in pharmaceutical manufacturing environments.
Recognized worldwide for its laundry processing services, PCS’ network of ISO 9001:2008 certified ISO Class 3 processing facilities offer reusable cleanroom garments and related supplies for the pharmaceutical, medical device, and bio science industries, as well as sites that manufacture and operate in controlled environments.
The company’s processing facilities extend throughout North America and Puerto Rico, with each specialising in the control of particulates, sterility, and electrostatic discharge (ESD).
Validated sterile cleanroom uniforms with accurate inventory control
PCS distributes a wide range of industrial uniforms alongside specifically designed garments for cleanroom environments, such as HD ESD sterile and non-sterile, AB5800 ESD, NFPA 70E FR, and C3 NANO coveralls, as well as shoe covers, face masks, and goggles.
The company is committed to satisfying customers’ evolving requirements, producing sustainable initiatives to provide measurable benefits when comparing reusable textile products with disposable alternatives.
Each piece of clothing features garment tracking system (GTS) barcode technology, which provides a report of repairs and installations, as well as usage analysis of an individual wearer, department, or distribution point. Designed to help ensure correct inventory levels and cost containment, this system is in ongoing development in coordination with customer input to ensure it is relevant and up-to-date.
Cleanroom goggles, mops, flexi mats, and garment bags
PCS offers products such as goggles, garment bags, flexi mats, and mops for use in cleanroom environments. The company provides reusable goggle and mop programs, which allow for repeated use. This program offeres a cost-effective and efficient way of keeping a pharmaceutical cleanroom well-supplied.
Efficient, sterile coverall manufacturing
Adhering to Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST) standards, PCS’ garments can be delivered and installed quickly with short lead times and automatic ordering.
The coveralls are made with industry-recognised materials, such as high-density (HD) ESD, durable AB5800 ESD, and ESD micro fabrics, which feature non-linting yarns for a reduced risk of fibre-generated infection. In addition, products have durable resistance to fluids and microbes, as well as incorporating vertical stripes of anti-static carbon fibres.
PCS’ garments are available in a wide range of sizes and styles.
Non-linting, flame-resistant garments for environments with risks of arc flash
The US Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHA) regulation 1910.269 requires all employees working in an environment with risks of arc flash to wear fire-resistant (FR) clothing that meets requirements of standards organisation ASTM F1506.
PCS provides NFPA 70E FR hoods, coveralls, and knee-high boots. These garments are suitable for use in the cleanroom as they are non-linting and made of Nomex® filament, which adheres to ASTM F1506, ChemStat 919, ChemStat 487, and ChemStat 541 standards.
Sterile clothing that adheres to industry standards
PCS ensures the sterility of its apparel through strict compliance with industry requirements such as current good manufacturing practice (cGMP) and ANSI/AAMI/ISO11137:2006 guidelines. Gamma radiation is also used to sterilize garments and ancillary products so they are suitable for use in aseptic environments.
Garments are supplied using an expansive North American network of direct service standalone facilities. With ISO 9001:2008 certifications, PCS’ six laundry processing facilities are strategically located to provide a service that has been trusted for more than 50 years. The company’s vast experience is demonstrated through its high-quality products and its supply of uninterrupted service.
PCS’ teams work to meet client requirements, developing, modifying, and adapting to changes throughout business process cycles.