Meritech is to exhibit at the Cleanroom Technology Conference in Birmingham, UK, 12-13 September, featuring automated handwashing systems onsite so attendees can experience the technology-based approach to employee hygiene.
Meritech offers a full line of products designed to meet stringent standards and regulations related to employee hygiene and bioburden control.
The Meritech CleanTech 2000S and 4000S handwashing systems now incorporate specific options such as deionized water and an optional Integrated Air Curtain. This option will reduce paper towel usage and particulates in the air of environments where bioburden control is critically important and ideal for cleanroom and lab facilities.
At the end of every wash cycle, the Integrated Air Curtain option automatically activates to completely or partially dry hands or gloved hands. The Meritech Air Curtain maintains sanitary standards that other dryers can’t match because the air is filtered and controlled within the system.
All CleanTech automated handwashing systems deliver an effective 12-second wash and rinse cycle, removing 99.98% of dangerous pathogens from hands and reducing bioburden. Meritech products use 75% less water, require less soap / sanitizer, and reduce discharge waste, compared to equivalent manual handwashing.
All Meritech products are designed and manufactured in Golden, Colorado, US. The company ensures that your equipment is always effective by delivering best-in-class, proprietary chemicals.