We would like to share with you our enthusiasm for having just successfully started up a biconical vacuum dryer ‒ Criox System model RBG 3000 ‒ together with our friends from Maprimed, an important pharma-chemical company with a long-standing presence in Argentina and a producer of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).
This is a complete supply of all accessories, including our SAURUS939 piston vacuum pump and pneumatic drum loading system. Click here to see all the possible loading and unloading systems solutions for our Criox System.
Thank you Maprimed for your support and warm welcome. Our almost 30-year cooperation is immortalised by the picture above!
If you are looking for technical support and customised solutions with a partner specialising in vacuum drying processes, write to us at marketing@italvacuum.com!
Italvacuum, your vacuum drying specialist since 1939.