Bradford Assay Performed on BMG LABTECH´s FLUOstar Omega with new Evaluation Software
By BMG LABTECHDetermining the protein concentration of samples is a necessary and often used method in biochemistry. Different colorimetric protein assays have been developed. The most commonly used methods are the Bradford assay, the Lowry assay and the BCA assay. In this application note we demonstrate how to determine the protein concentration of samples by using the Bradford assay and the new FLUOstar Omega.
The Bradford assay is based on the binding of protein to a dye, leading to a shift in the absorbance maximum of the dye1. After creating a standard curve of protein solutions with known concentrations, the protein concentration of unknown samples can be calculated. The dye used for the Bradford assay is Coomassie® Brilliant Blue G-250.