Amgen has entered a partnership with Magellan Rx Management to improve care for patients suffering with chronic, difficult-to-treat diseases.

Magellan Rx is the pharmacy benefit management unit of health care company Magellan Health.

Under the multi-year collaboration, the partners will combine their capabilities and resources to identify clinical gaps in the current healthcare system.

Amgen Global Value-Based Partnerships vice-president Peter Juhn said: “This relationship creates a nexus of capabilities between Amgen and Magellan Rx. Together, we can drive innovative solutions to manage the fastest-growing high-cost areas of healthcare.”

Initially, the partners will leverage mutual expertise in health and specialty population areas to enhance treatment outcomes in osteoporosis and migraine patients.

The osteoporosis project will focus on better disease management after a bone fracture. Osteoporosis patients are at 3-5 times more risk of a second fracture, but only 25% are examined and treated.

“This relationship creates a nexus of capabilities between Amgen and Magellan Rx. Together, we can drive innovative solutions to manage the fastest-growing high-cost areas of healthcare.”

As part of the alliance, an individualised programme will be assessed for its use in driving better outcomes through identification of high-risk osteoporosis patients as well as intervention with resources and information.

The project is also set to evaluate if the programme will minimise costs for the healthcare system.

Magellan Rx will contribute resources, including education for both patients and healthcare providers on handling the fractures and their treatment.

Furthermore, the partners intend to better understand the unmet needs of migraine treatments and identify approaches for improved treatment experience, with focus on non-opioid alternatives.

Magellan Rx’s innovation division Magellan Method will work on gaining real-world patient insights linked to migraine management, including costs, gaps in treatment and scope for enhanced care.

The insights are expected to help develop educational materials on the burden of migraines in order to support improvements in patient outcomes and the use of treatment resources.

Magellan Rx Management Trade Relations senior vice-president Steve Michurski said: “We have a unique testing opportunity that can offer real-world evidence. This relationship combines our collective capabilities and resources to create value and insights for patients and providers across healthcare systems.”