Todos Medical’s subsidiary 3CL Pharma has obtained an Institutional Review Board (IRB) waiver to commence a market research study for Tollovid and Tollovid Daily for Covid-19 and Long COVID or Post-Acute Sequalae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC).
Tollovid and Tollovid Daily are 3CL protease inhibitor immune support dietary supplement products.
3CL protease IC50 binding affinity of Tollovid is claimed to be nearly ten times as strong as that of Ivermectin while Tollovid Daily’s has a minimum of 2.5 times affinity as Ivermectin.
Tollovid is administered in a five-day dosing series, with four doses of three pills given daily and Tollovid Daily is given in a twice-a-day regimen.
Currently, both the products are not approved for treating preventing or curing any ailment, including Covid-19 and/or Long Covid.
The study is intended to collect and assess the feedback from consumers on the usage of these products.
Assessing if there exists adequate real-world data to back a prospective product development programme for Tollovid and/or Tollovid Daily to treat acute Covid-19 and/or Long Covid, is the study’s aim.
In the coming weeks, Todos will contact customers electronically to complete surveys prepared by the physician-scientists team to aid in guiding the future steps.
Meanwhile, the company has announced plans to provide Tollovid Maximum Strength at a 50% discount price until the end of business on 31 May this year.
Todos Medical president and CEO Gerald Commissiong said: “In the last year, we have heard anecdotal reports from customers who have experienced great success using our dietary supplements.
“These reports eventually piqued the curiosity of physicians who successfully used our products to help patients, with two such successful Long Covid case studies having been made public and several others in various stages of completion.
“Based on these, we are preparing for an observational study for Tollovid in Long Covid and have received overwhelming interest from physicians and patients in participating.”
In November last year, Todos and NLC Pharma concluded subject enrolment to conduct an interim analysis of the Phase II trial of oral antiviral drug, Tollovir, in hospitalised patients with severe and critical Covid-19.