Several pharmaceutical companies are advancing dry powder inhalers (DPIs) for respiratory conditions in an effort to cut down on greenhouse emissions and create a solution that is more eco-friendly than traditional pressurised metered-dose inhalers (pMDIs).

This month’s cover story delves into the debate over whether efforts to supplant pMDIs with DPIs presents the best way forward in achieving sustainability in respiratory care given the lingering doubts that DPIs may not be an effective enough solution for all patients, especially those with reduced inspiratory capacity.

Also in this issue, a feature looks at the rise of non-traditional pharmacies, such as retailers and online alternatives, and how these new formats and consumer-centric designs may inform the pharmacies of the future.

“Green” or “sustainable” chemistry, which is based on 12 principles including decreasing waste at a molecular level, designing energy-efficient chemical routes, and using renewable stock, has been gaining traction since the ‘90s. As it continues to develop, an analyst comment looks at the potential green chemistry may have for pharmaceutical companies moving forward. All this, along with the latest news and deals in the pharmaceutical landscape.

Read the latest issue of Pharma Technology Focus for all this and insights, and analysis from the pharmaceutical industry.

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