The latest issue of Pharma Technology Focus is out now. Read it for free on all devices.
Pharmacovigilance of a single drug is one thing, but when it comes to polypharmacy, getting to the bottom of an adverse event is even more complex. When treatments involve several drugs, often prescribed by different healthcare parties with limited knowledge of a patient’s full history, it can be challenging to determine which drug caused adverse event, or whether interactions between them play a role.
In this issue, we explore the challenges of safety reporting in patients taking more than one drug, and how the process – and patient safety – can be improved.
We also speak to XIL Health founder and CEO Susan Lang about the future potential of 3D-printing in drug manufacturing. We hear why Lang believes 3D printing in drug manufacturing could revolutionise personalised medicine, democratise access to medicines, improve sustainability in the supply chain and speed up the response time when infectious diseases spread.
Elsewhere in this issue, we find out how the narrow FDA panel vote on Merck’s molnupiravir could bolsters the outlook on mAbs, explore the potential of value-based pricing plans for therapies that become available after an FDA accelerated approval, and explore whether drug repurposing could uncover better treatments for UTIs.
Read the latest issue of Pharma Technology Focus for all this and more new, insights, data and analysis from the pharmaceutical industry.
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