Many companies expect that shifting to decentralised clinical trials amid the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to drive patient participation.

GlobalData conducted a survey to identify the biggest perceived benefits of decentralised clinical trials (DCTs) according to the companies, which did not implement DCTs previously but plan to conduct in future.

Transition to decentralised clinical trials expected to fuel patient participationPerceived Benefits of Decentralised Trials for Future Users

According to the survey results, around 17% of the respondents expect that the shift will lead to greater participation of patients, while 16% feel that it will increase participation of sites.

Around 14% noted that transitioning to DCTs will ensure that the clinical trials will continue to run during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The fourth highest voted reason is improved access to suitable trial patients (13%). It is followed by the perceived benefit of using different study designs involving more real world data and higher data volume (11%).

Approximately 10% of the respondents feel that the biggest benefit will be improved data quality to near time data collection and automation, while another 9% believes that switching to DCTs will reduce trial costs.

The percentage of respondents who opined that DCTs will reduce trial timeline stands at 6%.

Additionally, 3% of the respondents noted that it will lead to less complexities in running studies at sites and another 2% stated that will reduce technical complexities in using study related systems.

The analysis is based on responses received for the Coronavirus Survey – COVID-19 and Decentralised Clinical Trials conducted by GlobalData between 04 June and 22 June 2020.