Top tweets on neurology in December 2019

1. David Perlmutter’s tweet on meditation

David Perlmutter, a neurologist, tweeted on the benefits of meditation. He noted that meditation helps in increased connectivity to prefrontal cortex, improves relationships and memory, and reduces stress.

He noted that meditation can also improve creativity as well as sleep while providing better decision making ability.

Username: David Perlmutter, MD

Twitter handle: @DavidPerlmutter

Retweets: 167

Likes: 568

2. Eric Topol’s tweet on risk of introducing AI into healthcare

Eric Topol, a physician and scientist, shared an article on the risks associated with introducing health products powered by artificial intelligence, such as virtual doctors, wearable sensors and chatbots.

The influencer noted that AI systems do not go through rigorous testing similar to that of medical devices and have been known to make mistakes. AI systems developed in one hospital often fail when deployed in another. They are also known to discriminate against minorities, the article added.

Username: Eric Topol

Twitter handle: @EricTopol

Retweets: 107

Likes: 157

3. Dr David Nicholl’s tweet on US-UK trade deal

Among neurology tweets, Dr David Nicholl, a neurologist, drew attention to a tweet about US-UK trade in pharmaceuticals. A trade deal between the UK and the US after Brexit is expected to cost millions of dollars to the National Health Service (NHS).

Post-Brexit, cost of vital drugs for indications such as Crohn’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis is expected to dramatically increase.

Username: Dr David Nicholl

Twitter handle: @djnicholl

Retweets: 47

Likes: 58

4. Vaughan Bell’s tweet on Alzheimer’s ‘cabal’

Vaughan Bell, a neuropsychologist, shared an article on how a faction of scientists or cabal thwarted alternative approaches to the development of treatments for Alzheimer’s. This faction controlled what research papers were published and which scientists got funding.

The findings were reported from interviews conducted with more than two dozen scientists who adopted an alternate approach to the development of treatments for Alzheimer’s. The article noted that the influence used by the cabal might have been responsible for the delay in the development of a treatment for Alzheimer’s.

Username: Vaughan Bell

Twitter handle: @vaughanbell

Retweets: 62

Likes: 91

5. Prof Michael Hanna’s tweet on lecture by professors Sarah Tabrizi & Gill Bates

Prof Michael Hanna, a neurologist and director at the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, tweeted on how proud he was of two professors from the institute, Sarah Tabrizi and Gill Bates, for delivering the Jean Shanks Lecture at the Academy of Medical Sciences. The Jean Shanks Lecture is named after the Dr Jean Shanks who established the Jean Shanks Foundation and contributed to medical science.

Professors Sarah Tabrizi and Gill Bates delivered a lecture on new therapies for Huntington’s disease at the annual event held in November.

Username: Prof Michael Hanna

Twitter handle: @MikeHanna18

Retweets: 24

Likes: 73

6. Mark Baxter’s tweet on new Alzheimer’s study

Mark Baxter, a neuroscientist, tweeted on a new study of a rhesus monkey model performed to understand early Alzheimer’s pathogenesis. The study showed that oligomeric of the amyloid beta peptide in the monkey brain impacts synaptic integrity and induces accelerated cortical aging.

The results indicate that monkeys can be used as a platform to understand age-related vulnerabilities of the primate brain. It may also develop disease-modifying therapies for the treatment of AD and related dementias.

Username: Mark Baxter #ITMFA

Twitter handle: @markgbaxter

Retweets: 20

Likes: 47

7. GrowingUpAutistic’s tweet on working with disabled customers

GrowingUpAutistic, an autistic adult, tweeted about being offered to work in specific shifts at her workplace that focus on ideas that support disabled costumers. She further noted that while growing up she was told that autism would be her disadvantage in her work life but it turned out to be her strength.

Username: GrowingUpAutistic

Twitter handle: @LibbyAutism

Retweets: 19

Likes: 140

8. Rosemarie CarreiroÂû’s tweet on placing her son in a group home

Rosemarie CarreiroÂû, a mental health advocate, tweeted about the apathy shown by people towards autistic children. She noted that people consider her crazy when she states that her autistic son will not go into a group home unless he wants to.

She further noted that being autistic does not mean that her son does not have a say in his life.

Username: Rosemarie CarreiroÂû

Twitter handle: @RoseMCarreiro

Retweets: 20

Likes: 133

9. Mark Weatherall’s tweet on getting erenumab approved for use on the NHS

Mark Weatherall, a neurologist, tweeted on trying to get erenumab approved for use on the National Health Service (NHS) in Wales and England. Erenumab, also known as Aimovig, is used for the treatment of migraine. The drug was rejected for use by the NHS in September 2016 noting that there was uncertainty regarding its clinical and cost effectiveness.

Mark noted that he along with his colleagues will be arguing against the original assessment and that it should be reviewed.

Username: Mark Weatherall

Twitter handle: @weatherallmw

Retweets: 17

Likes: 71

10. Vaughan Bell’s tweet on the Welcome Trust’s commitment to mental health

Vaughan Bell tweeted on the launch of a five-year, £200m ($222.7m) commitment towards research on mental health by the Welcome Trust, a research charity based in London, UK. The research will focus on understanding, preventing and treating anxiety and depression in young people.

Username: Vaughan Bell

Twitter handle: @vaughanbell

Retweets: 18

Likes: 45