
Perceptive Informatics, a leading eClinical solutions provider and a subsidiary of PAREXEL International Corporation, has announced the results of a survey conducted during its recent webinar entitled ‘Convergence of Technologies to Simplify Workflow’. Perceptive polled biopharmaceutical industry professionals across a broad range of clinical and IT functions about their approaches to the integration of key eClinical systems, such as electronic data capture (EDC), clinical trial management systems (CTMS), and randomisation and trial supply management (RTSM) technologies.

The survey results revealed that most respondents (71%) currently have integrated or are in the process of integrating a number of systems toward the goals of improving processes and overall trial data accuracy. A smaller group of respondents (21%) claimed to see the value of integrating their systems, but have not done so to date. Only 8% confirmed that their companies have developed established integration standards to which they expect technology vendors to adhere with regard to key systems.

According to Bill Byrom, PhD, senior director, product strategy, Perceptive Informatics, “The biopharmaceutical industry is increasingly recognising the value of integrating key systems to enable more effective information flow across functions and organisations involved in executing clinical trials. However, we anticipate that there is a significant opportunity for the industry to implement integration standards and achieve true interoperability across eClinical systems. The realisation of a fully integrated environment is expected to streamline workflow and support real-time data interchange to help companies make better, faster decisions and ultimately run trials more efficiently.”

During the webinar, Dr Byrom and Iain Dowlman, senior director, eClinical services at Perceptive Informatics, presented Perceptive’s approach to enable the most efficient workflow by simplifying the use of multiple technologies and optimising them for the way users manage clinical trials. The experts discussed the concept of product convergence, which makes the functionality that exists in one application accessible through another, changing the way technologies can be used together to bring more efficiency to the clinical trial process.

To access the webcast on demand visit Perceptive Informatics’ website.