The top tweets were chosen from influencers as tracked by GlobalData’s Influencer Platform, which is based on a scientific process that works on pre-defined parameters. Influencers are selected after a deep analysis of the influencer’s relevance, network strength, engagement, and leading discussions on new and emerging trends.
Top tweets on Covid-19 pharma in Q2 2021
1. Laurie Garrett’s tweet on Covid-19 vaccine disinformation
Laurie Garrett, a journalist and former senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, shared an article on a detailed analysis of who is behind the Covid-19 vaccine disinformation after tracing all postings on the AstraZeneca vaccine leading to rare blood clots time frame. About 50,080 tweets about AstraZeneca vaccine were evaluated and were found to maligned with negative information. It was also found that most of the disinformation came from media sources well-known for disinformation.
The research highlighted that most of the retweets on the company’s vaccine were shared by RT, a Russian-sponsored news website, and AL Arabiya, a Saudi news website. Twitter, in particular, was found to be filled with disinformation and bad press about the vaccine. The disinformation was found to be distributed not just by anti-vaxxers and conspiracy websites but also by state-owned media, the research detailed.
I'm not a cyber-expert, but this paper blew me away: Detailed analysis of who is behind #COVID19 #vaccine disinformation executed by tracing all postings of #AstraZeneca over "blood clot" time frame. The brown below are bots, not humans.
— Laurie Garrett (@Laurie_Garrett) April 17, 2021
Username: Laurie Garrett
Twitter handle: @Laurie_Garrett
Retweets: 2,032
Likes: 3,193
2. Eric Topol’s tweet on the effectiveness of masks in preventing airborne transmission
Eric Topol, a cardiologist and founder of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, shared a research paper on face masks limiting the chances of SARS-CoV-2 transmission. The research paper highlights the debate on how effective masks are in preventing or getting infected in outdoor as well as indoor spaces. It examines how the probability of infection or transmission changes nonlinearly depending upon the extent to which a person is exposed to exhaled respiratory matter.
In a wider community masks can be protective, but in indoor settings such as hospitals where the concentration of the virus particles in the air is high, even the best quality masks without hazmat suits may not provide enough protection.
Experts further state that in medical care facilities where Covid-19 patients are being treated, Â good quality masks should be used, and effective ventilation should be ensured to keep the infection transmission risk low. The research also found that social distancing and ventilation reduces virus concentrations, increasing the efficacy of masks. Likewise, the correct and continued usage of masks ensures reduced transmission or exposure to exhaled air.
When the title tells the story:
"Face Masks Effectively Limit the Probability of #SARSCoV2 Transmission"
Just published @ScienceMagazine 😷😷— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) May 20, 2021
Username: Eric Topol
Twitter handle: @EricTopol
Retweets: 1,378
Likes: 3,158
3. Prof Peter Hotez’s tweet on Covid-19 vaccine refusal and politics
Prof Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, shared an article on extraordinary links between the refusal to receive Covid-19 vaccine and followers of the Republican party. A New York Times analysis found that the least inoculated US counties, were both low on agreeing to take the vaccine and actual vaccination rates, while also being supporters of the Trump camp in 2020.
In the more rural regions and areas governed by the Republican party, the supply of Covid-19 vaccines exceeded the demand with a large share of adults refusing to be vaccinated. For example, in a Wyoming county, a health official requested the state to stop sending vaccine doses as the refrigerator was full of unwanted vials.
Estimates found that a quarter of the adults in more than 500 counties refused to get vaccinated and a majority of them supported Trump in the election. Trump won nine out of the ten states, where most of the residents refused to take the vaccine, the article noted.
Extraordinary links between COVID19 vaccine refusal and allegiance to the Republican Party: All during last summer’s surge across the South and then in Upper Midwest in fall, COVID19 was a Red State disease looks as though COVID19 will become Red yet again
— Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD (@PeterHotez) April 17, 2021
Username: Prof Peter Hotez
Twitter handle: @PeterHotez
Retweets: 1,063
Likes: 2,381
4. Helen Branswell’s tweet on airborne transmission of SARS-COV-2 during church singing
Helen Branswell, an infectious diseases and global health reporter, shared a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report on the airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 during choir singing at multiple church services in Australia. The report found an infected choir member to have transmitted the virus to at least 12 church attendees, who were not in close contact with the infected person and were sitting almost 15m away, suggesting airborne transmission of the virus.
The report found that none of the other choristers showed any symptoms and neither did they test positive. However, masks were not worn by the group of singers, and the cluster occurred despite the use of microphones and a 3m barrier around the singers. It was thereby advised to move church services to outdoor settings, in the presence of natural ventilation.
Pretty interesting report of #Covid19 transmission during church services in Australia. Infected choir member appears to have transmitted to up to 12 church goers, some seated more than 15 meters from the choir loft. No masks. Yes, likely airborne.
— Helen Branswell (@HelenBranswell) April 5, 2021
Username: Helen Branswell
Twitter handle: @HelenBranswell
Retweets: 1,237
Likes: 2,132
5. Matthew Herper’s tweet on Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine trial fatality
Matthew Herper, a senior writer of medicine at STAT, a publishing firm, shared an article on the false claim of a two-year-old girl having died after taking the second dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. While the US Food and Drug administration (FDA) stated that it would authorise the vaccine in adolescents aged between 12 to 15 years by mid-May 2021, studies on children aged six months to 11 years are still ongoing.
The claim was shared as a screen grab to Facebook, claiming a girl having died because of an adverse reaction to the Pfizer vaccine. It was also suggested that she was hospitalised and sick after taking the first shot, the article noted. Experts believe the claim was based on an unverified FDA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) report that allows anyone to submit any report.
Fact check: No evidence 2-year-old died after getting COVID-19 vaccine
— Matthew Herper (@matthewherper) May 10, 2021
Username: Matthew Herper
Twitter handle: @matthewherper
Retweets: 1,034
Likes: 1,702